Hello Manish,
Considering your information your daughter seems more likely to have
nephrotic syndrome rather than acute
nephritic syndrome.The nephrotic
syndrome is an idiopathic (cause unknown) problem common in this age group and
frequently known to relapse.However since you have been to
nephrologist , I assume
they must have evaluated her for the same and provided a most probable
The diagnostic criteria for nephrotic syndrome
Proteinuria greater than 3-3.5 g/24 hours or spot urine protein:creatinine ratio of >300-350 mg/mmol.
Serum albumin more than 25 g/L.
Peripheral oedema.
Severe hyperlipidaemia (
total cholesterol often >10 mmol/L) is often present.
So if you feel she has any of these then do discuss it with your doctor.
Even if she doesn't have these symptoms and diagnosis is in favour of nephritis, such recurrent attacks need further evaluation and if all blood tests (like youmentioned) are equivocal then only a renal biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.
If the risk benefit ratio in her case is favourable only then her doctor might suggest to go ahead with renal biopsy.
Hope I have answered your query.
Wishing Twisha a speedy recovery.