HI, I have been having this stomach fullness and occasional pain and also passing gas for more than 2 weeks. I went to the family doctor and she initially diagnosed and suggested Gas-x (semithicone) or bepto bismal. I tried with Gas-x and it didn t work. Then I tried with bepto bismal, it worked for few days, After I discontinued taking bepto bimal, the slight pain and gas continued. This time the doctor diagnosed and given nexium for 2 weeks. and also Doctor has taken the blood work and the results came with NO anemia . The doctor has tested the rectum for any blood, but it also came negative. I started taking nexium for last 3 days, now I am getting more gas pressure , burping, fullness, lightheaded and nausea . What should I do? shall I stop taking nexium? what could be the cause of my stomach fullness and pain.