hello from one year ago i had an intercourse with a prostitute , after 9 months from this intercourse i had a pain in my left testicle and high temperature in testicle area , then a urologist put me on ofloxacin for 3 weeks plus a shot of ceftriaxone then i felt better but at the same time there is too much foam come with my urine (especially in the morning) then i went to another urologist and put me on cefixime 400 once daily for 5 days plus doxycycline for 6 weeks but it doesn t help at all ( Foam still exist and pain in my anus area) finally i went to dermatologist he gave me again 1g ceftriaxone IV daily for one week then cefixime 400 twice daily for 5 days and 1g azithromycin once but everything still exist (anus pain,foamy urine) hint: i tested -ve for HIV , syphilis , hepatitis A ,B,C but because of there is no discharge come from my penis, the urologist said he can t test me for gonorrhea and chlamydia 1-can gonorrhea and chlamydia be resistant to all these antibiotics? 2-does the first shot of ceftriaxone (0.5g once) make gonorrhea resistant to the next week of ceftriaxone(1g daily)? 3-dose normal PSA test denies the prostate infection? help me please