Good evening
I am asking you if you can find out my symptoms.
so the past three days Iv had this strange nausea feeling, following with weakness.
The day before, Iv had sexual intercourse with my bofriend.
However, I do not think I am pregnant for the following reasons:
1. the sex we had was protected: he used two condoms. He used one condom, then another one. The first condom didn't break, but we tought that it will be safer to use another one before it accidentaly broke. He put it to the side far away from me and used another one. He did penetrated me without condom at first but there was no ejaculation.
2. Iv had this weird nausea feeling before.
The first two time was during my period: usually during my period, it is very painful, my body especially my belly and my breast are a little bit bigger (like i was pregnant), my back hurts and I am weak, but it was the first time that I had nausea and I threw up. The day before this incident, I went swimming and did physical exercices. Also, during the first incident, I was very stressed because I relocated to another country and another school. The third nausea incident, I was also stressed because I was doing a conference. It was however two weeks before my period. I had the same period pain and my belly grew big. I really tought I might vomit but i didnt. I drank water and it was fine. It happenned right after I ate food at 8 pm really fast because I was starving. The other time was right after Iv had sex. Of course I was extremely stressed because I tought i may be pregnant but i had my period one week after (same pain...), I also had this pain after I ate late. Sometime, the nausea is with pain, something it is just a small feeling that im going to throw up and it can goes on for days. This is usually before my body goes bigger and the period comes. (my period are all regular, except for that one time during summer 2013 when I had my period two times in less than one month.)
3. I do a lot of physical activity and this may have an impact on my weird symptoms. I work out from two to seven times a day from 30 to 2 hours a day. During the summer, I can work out up to 6 hours a day. I a workoutholic. I think that the reason why that one time I had my period two times in less than one month, is because I was doing too much exercices.
4. I am not on the pills, but sometime, I use the morning after pill when the condom broke, or also because I am so scare to be pregnant (the country I live is against abortion), that I take the morning after pill even tought I don't have to.
5. I don't have a lot of sex with my boyfriend, because we can't really see each other, maybe like once every two three months. We always take precaution and I always had my period after that.
My periods are not late at this time, I just have the nausea.
6. I always had pain with my period. Also, before I got my period for the first time (12-14 years old), I used to have cramps. It was extremely painful (big belly, big body, period pain...but no blood). It was worst when I used to do swimming competition. it was so painful that sometime I would cry and stop swimming. I usually take camomille or mint thea to release the pain. I don't take any pills to ease the pain.
7. I dont do drugs. I don't smoke, I don't drink. I am althetic. I am not overweight and I am muscular (I do have low iron in my blood and high cholesterol tough), I have enough sleep, but I am always on the move. As well as doing sports, I also work in my school. I am doing a very advanced and demanding program and I don't really rest. I am sometime very tired.
8. I don't have sexually transmitted disease (my private part is really itchy sometimes, but I think that it is because I have very dry and fragile skin and sometime after I work out I don't take the shower right away so the sweat is still there and may contaminate it, and also when I shave. I also went to a gynecologist and she said that I had nothing. I don't know what it keeps itchying tough. i put natural yogourt sometime in it and it helps.)
It will be very important for me that you find something. (you don't have to tell me the exact name of the disease if you don't know but at least a hint because I really have no clue what is going on.)
Kind regards