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u r likely to be suffering from
bursitis of the elbow joint
The elbow contains a slippery, fluid filled sack called the bursa to help the skin slide over the bone in that area.
Normally, the bursa acts as a cushion between the skin and the bone. But if the elbow is hit, or if it is constantly irritated, the bursa can become inflamed and fill with fluid. This is called bursitis.
The bursa starts to swell, and may create a lump over the end of the elbow. Gradual swelling indicates a chronic or long-lasting condition, while sudden swelling may signal a traumatic
injury or an infection in the elbow.
Red and hot skin may indicate an infection.
Generally, R.I.C.E. is the first line of treatment for bursitis.
Rest: Take a break from whatever activity is causing the elbow to swell or become painful.
Ice: Apply ice packs for
short periods of time (15 to 20 minutes, three or four times a day).
Compression: Wrap an
elastic bandage around the elbow to keep swelling down.
Elevation: Elevate the elbow above the level of your heart.
If the bursitis swelling comes on suddenly or if you experienced a direct blow to the elbow, see your physician right away, as you may need X-rays to rule out the possibility of a
fracture. Depending upon the cause of the swelling, you doctor may recommend aspirating, or draining, the bursa. The fluid from the bursa is removed with a syringe. An anti-inflammatory medication such as
ibuprofen can help reduce pain and swelling. An elbow protector or padding can help reduce the risk of further injury.
Cortisone injections may be used to treat bursitis, as surgery, as a final option to remove the bursa.