My son, 12 yrs old had fits for the first time during his sleep on 17th march 2012, just before his annual exams, he was unconsious for about 5 min. he was gazing straight, and legs pulling (right leg more), then again the second time on April 9th during sleep, but this time he regained consiousness in 2 min, he complained of headache and dizziiness, then I consulted my pediatrician and i was directed to CMC, Vellore. there they order for Na, Ca blood test and EEG , and asked to bring him to casuallty the next time he gets the seizure , on 15th april at 4am he once again got fits and i rushed him to CMC pediatric casuality, they gave dialitin every 12 hrs, they order for CT scan, it was found that CT scan, EEG, Blood test , creatine test were all normal. They gave Eptoin to be taken morning and night and for one month and sent us home. what is the problem with my son?