loop diathermy of the cervix- discomfort and side effects (feeling unwell afterward) Hi. Yesterday i had the loop diathermy of the cervix procedure done following c1-2 abnormalities that were detected from a routine pap smear and biopsies. This was done under a local anesthetic. I was very anxious and tense before and during the procedure and quite uncomfortable. Afterwards, i felt sore and had a jelly like feeling in my legs. This lasted only a few hours but i did have sore aching muscles and joints from about my lower back and downward through my legs. After resting some and taking paracetamol, the discomfort in my cervix subsided. However i then had very restless night s sleep feeling very achy and fever like. It is now mid morning and i m feeling no better. There is only a small amount of bleeding and i am not experiencing pain in the area of the procedure. Could it just be a coincidence, maybe i have the flu , or does this sound like an infection is starting? Thanks for your help.