Hi, I ve been experiencing what feels like a burning sensation around my cervix area.. and sometimes a mild pinching pulling feeling like I sometimes feel during/just after a papsmear. There are no other symptoms, no discharge, no odor... I have had this happen before in the last couple of years, the doctors tested me for all sorts of things and everything came back negative with the exception of them saying that they could see very minor amounts of bacteria. They prescribed me flagyl, which made me sick.. then they gave me clyndamicin, which I opted not to take and instead used boric acid suppositories.. that seemed to clear it right up. Well, it is back and has been for about a week, it has been about 8 months since the last flare up. I have been using boric acid and it didn t help.. I still had the clyndamicin so I opted to go ahead and take it this time, and I m about halfway through.. (4x a day for 2 weeks).. and I m not getting any relief yet.. I have been with the same partner for 2 years now, and I m certain he is faithful as we work and live together.. so WHAT IS GOING ON?..I bought one of the OTC screening tests .. and the yellow did turn a little bluish.. which indicates bacteria not yeast.. but why am I only experiencing burning and no other symptoms.. is this BV? Cervicitis? Urethritis?.. or does it matter? it is all a form of a bacterial infection that is all treated the same way. I really don t want to go back to the doctor at this point.. we spent a fortune last year going back and forth only for them to tell me the same thing... We dont really know.. you have a small amount of bacteria showing but that isn t unusual.. here take an antibiotic! ...