Hello. Nice to see you. I am still a student right now(age 16). And I am facing 2 major problems (for me)... 1. I always felt tired and lazy. I do not know what is my problem. My neck and my back always felt hurt without any specific reasons. I never skipped my meals (I always eat vegetables and fruits) and I exercise regularly by dancing, cycling or playing ping pong. Can you tell me why? 2. As you can see from above statement, I think i am having a healthy lifestyle. But it is not what it is seem. Based on my BMI, I am an overweight person. Please help me. I have a low metabolisme rate, so is there any way to increase my metabolisme rate? Plus, I love ice cream and i do not know how to control eating it. Is there a way to control myself from eating unhealthy food? I am blank. Please help me ~ : (