I had never had a problem with high blood pressure it always ran about 120/80 .About 2 weeks ago ,I got really bad headaches and just felt bad in general so I went to the Dr. it was 188/94 . She put me on a water pill , after about 4 days it started messing with my bladder because of my IC. She did an EKG she said it looked good except that my heart rate was to high.It was 125. She then put me on an ace inhibitor.I quit all caffeine and cut way back on my smoking. After I was on it a few days I started getting a feeling in the right side of my chest that felt like electric shocks. They were so bad that I couldn't sleep.I called her , she put me on a beta blocker, they helped bring the heart rate down and reduced the number of electric shock episodes. should I see a cardiologist to make sure my heart is okay? I feel some pressure in my chest ,mainly at night when I lay down.