About 6weeks ago I had an emergency ERCP to remove a stone from my CBD which had caused acute pancreatitus. Thet also cleaned out an impacted diverticuli that was putting pressures on the CBD. My liver and pancres were in danger of shutting down. Now all my metabolic levels are normal with the exception of Lipase. My Gastroenteroligist seems conserned and is having it checked regularly. If it s still high next time I was told he wanted me to come in for a visit. They have checked for all types of HVA,HVB,HVC, ANA, ferite, CT, ultrasound, x-ray. My physical symptoms(pain,vomiting,jaundice,brown urin)has all be remedied. What else could it be? I m worried about cancer, shouldn t the scans have found that? A little background info that may or may not be relevant: I had mestastised melanoma 3B 10 yrs ago, Gallstones and gallbladder removed 6yrs ago, sissel serrated polyps removed 1yr ago.