Hello, i was curious about what exactly i may or may not have, i know i need to see my doctor.
-insomnia(lay in bed clear minded, sometimes not clear minded, never matters.)
-irritability(ive always had a whiplash tongue, but there are points when even i notice im being more of an ass than normal)
-depression(no i dont think about killing myself or start crying, i just feel completely unaccomplished in my life goals-im 22 make 60k a year and own my own home, no reason to feel like that- and i think of past relationships and it gets worse, and i think of every possible situation where i have felt "broken" in the past and it just festers in me, i do tend to abruptly break out of the depression for no reason.
-umm High sexual arousal- dont know if thats a symptom but all day..almost every day, sex sex sex. its annoying to how much and to the extremes my mind goes. and no my sex life is not active, i work 60 hours a week, -12 hour days- makes it hard to have any pleasure.