I understand your concern.
I am Dr. Arun Tank, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query.
In my opinion you should not have intestine infection.
The gas and
choking feeling is because of the a analgesics and antibiotics taken by you.
In my opinion you should take the antiacidity treatment. Take the
pantoprazole tablet half hour before meal three times a day. Please take this medication after the doctors review.
Avoid spicy foods for the few days until all your problem is solved.
Please eat high river diet like salads, and raw vegetables. It will help clear your bowel problems earlier.
You can also start doing some exercise walking early in the morning daily as it also helps your bowel to set down earlier.
I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you.
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist.