The problem you are facing is common for many of new mothers. breast feeding is prime duty of a mother,a child's right & mother's pride- a divine experience !The problems you have are partly due to lac of knowledge,ill health,wrong posture, nigetive thoughts bringing about psychological
Few basic things are to be observed to make it so. They are-
- to know about benefits of breast feeding to mother as well as to child.
-mother should take a cup of milk,juice,soup or at least water before she starts breast feeding.
- The position of mother & holding of child as well as babies grip on nipple should proper & comfortable for both.Don't sit or adjust yourself in awkward/absurd position.Please consult a breast feeding counsellar, your treating doctor,nurse & have specific guidance & practical.
- Be psychologically +ve, ready for breast feeding. A mother & child emotional bond has to develop during breast feeding .So love,speak ,fondle baby while breast feeding.
- Post delivery exercises, a nutritive diet with lot of
proteins, iron,
vitamins,calcium helps mother to be healthy,as well the baby by breast milk of best quality.