I have tightness in chest after eating. I have been to my primary ekg was normal, my primary sent me to a cardiologist was checked out everything seems to be ok will go back for a stress test in a week or so. Went to a gastrologist examined me and again all seems to be well. Will have to take an abdominal ultrasound in the morning. Hopefully that will indicate what is going on. This tightness will not go away, belching relieves it a bit, but the tightness/crushing feeling returns. After I left the doctors office something new happened I got a little dizzy and heart fluttered a bit, maybe a little anxious, I do not know. No other symptoms, no stomach ache, no burning sensation I can sleep at night and no loss of appetite. I have had rolaids, gas x, tums, omeprazole and the tightness/crushing feeling- like a lump is still sitting in the middle of my chest. Any suggestions