Findings: the uterus is anteverted, bulky, and heterogeneous, measuring 11.4 x 6.6 x 7.2 cm. Several heterogeneous, hypoechoic lesions compatible with fibroids are seen in the uterine myometrium. The largest measures 4.5 x 3.6 x 3.4 cm in the fundus. A few small cervical nabothian cysts are seen. The endometrium measures 6 mm in thickness which is within normal limits. The right ovary measures 3.2 x 2.6 x 2.2 cm. the left ovary was unable to be visualized on endovaginal imaging. There is normal Doppler flow to the right ovary, no gross adenexal abnormalities are appreciated. A tiny amount of free fluid is seen in the pelvis which may be physiologic