Hi, maybe you can give me info on my condition. On june 20th im suppose to have period but it did not come. 2 days after i experienced small ammount light pink vaginal discharge which continued for 3 days. Then i took home preg test 3 days in a rows with different brands all showed positive. 3 days after tht i have brown spotting so went to the doc. She did an ultrasound but could not find and sac and gave me duphaston (10 mg, twice /day), folic acid 5 mg & low dose aspirin. After consuming 3 tablets (1,5 days later) i started to have vaginal bleeding like menstruation (red color, but only 2-3 spots in panty liner). So i went to the doctor and got transvaginal and she said tht there is no sac and no thickening of endometrium. She said im not pregant and im now having my period. Its been 3 days since i have my vaginal bleeding but still red spotting and no heavy flow or clots. During this 3 days of bleeding i have done home preg test and they are still positive. Im very confused with my condition, wether or not im pregnant and why is my preg test still positive? Should i stop taking the meds that my doc gave me? Please give me your oppinions. Thank you.