Hi Dear
Welcome to health care magic team.
Understanding your concern.
Dark spots under the skin on the bottom of your foot might appear harmless, but in some cases the spots are symptoms of
internal bleeding and might require emergency treatment. It can be signs of a blood-
clotting disorder called
Low levels of platelets, which are cells responsible for helping your blood clot, are the trigger of purpura, although the exact cause of the condition remains a mystery. Most people with purpura experience an immune system breakdown that results in an unhealthful reduction of platelets. While a normal adult or child may have up to 450,000 platelets, someone with purpura often has less than 20,000 and is vulnerable to internal bleeding
Avoid drugs such as
aspirin or
ibuprofen that can affect the function of your platelets if you have been diagnosed with purpura.
Low-impact exercise like walking may be beneficial, although contact sports like football increase your risk for
injury and bleeding.
Contact your doctor if you suffer abnormal bruising or bleeding or notice a rash of tiny purple or red spots underneath the skin on the bottom of your feet, as well as dark spots that resemble a
Hope your concern has been resolved.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Harry Maheshwari