Please don't tell me to go see my doctor because I was JUST THERE :( I am female, 56 yrs of age. For the last 5 months, I have been having tingling in my hands and feet, and sometimes the feeling of little shocks. My toes have a numb "sensation" yet are painful. I sometimes have blurred vision . I thought maybe diabetes (Big time in my family) yet I don't have thirst or frequent urination or weight loss. I do monitor my glucose and it ranges from 115 -117 fasting, to 170's - 200's after eating. ( Bad yes! Serious?? I guess not because my doc doesn't think so ) I just went for blood tests and doc sed he would call if anything was abnormal. After not hearing back for two weeks. I called and receptionist sed if there was nothing wrong, he wouldn't require me back. On top of the symptoms I have just listed, I was having bad pressure behind my eyes, bad pressure in my head and pain on the right side "back" of my head. I thought maybe brain tumor?????? In which case I'd rather die in my sleep then go for treatment! Now....ALL symptoms are GONE!!!! (Except high glucose levels) Could the pressure feeling in the head and tingling and shock feelings be caused by a pinched nerve????? I have been to sooooo many docs and none can find anything wrong with me :(