Hi, I am a 20 year old male who is 6 1 and weighs 135lbs. I have considered the possibility of having hyperthyroidism for a while now because of my low weight, despite my high caloric intake, and my attraction to heet. Recently (for one and a half months), I ve been having abdominal pains in two different areas. I feel pressure intermittently in my upper center abdomen, and soreness/cramping in my lower abdomen. My symptoms started one week after getting home froma trip to my cabin in Idaho. I had severe and very painful burning diarrhea even though I had no spicy food the day before. It was an awful night; I had a burning sensation throughout my abdomen, and almost passed out from the burning pain of the bowel movements, but the diarrhea only lasted that night. The next few days, I had serious abdominal pain, and could not eat anything, but with no severe nausea. While in Idaho, I drank a six pack of beer every day, bathed in a pond, and generally subjugated myself to several possibilities to compromise my health. I originally thought that the excessive alcohol consumption might have caused this, but I didn t have symptoms until a week after returning home. Then I thought that maybe it was a parasite, or bacteria, but my doctor dismissed that because I don t have reoccurring diarrhea. After about a week, eating started to repress my abdominal pain. But after about two weeks, I developed pain in my lower intestines as well. My doctor thinks that I have a gastric ulcer and hyperparistalsis. I think that he is correct about the peristalsis, but not the ulcer, because there is not a constant pain, taking antacids doesn t improve it, and taking HCl doesn t worsen it. For the last three weeks, I have been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks with no known trigger, feeling out of breath after light physical activity with a racing heart some times, but being able to run an 8 minute mile other times with no issues, feeling faint occasionally and with triggers such as heat (especially from shower) and excercise. My doctor thinks that it s anxiety, but I don t have any history of anxiety, and my attacks seem to be caused physiologically. I am taking Probiotics, digestive enzymes, a multi vitamins, vitamins b complex, and orally transdermal b-12 every day, and it seems to help with the healing of faintness, anxiety, and rapid heartbeat. I m taking all of the B because my family has a history of severe vitamins b deficiency. I am wondering if these symptoms can all be related to hyperthyroidism, or a spastic thyroid. Could thyroid attacks be triggered by my original illness that caused my bouts of diarrhea? All of my blood work came back normal, but my albumin serum is at 5.1 G/DL, which is the maximum that they consider normal. Thank you for your consideration, Ryan