Hello, and I hope I can answer your question today.
Cortisone is widely used in pregnancy for a variety of inflammatory and allergic conditions. It is COMPLETELY SAFE and has no cross-reactivity with any of the steroids you mention that can have androgen like activity. If your mother had androgen effects frontbencher isomer she herself would have grown facial hair, deepens her voice and have physical signs of male development.
There is a disorder where a genetically XY male may completely develop as female because their is a congenital absence of
testosterone receptors. But this is not caused by drug exposure.
How you may feel inside about your gender identity and assignment is a complicated issue but is not related to congenital drug exposure. GID, or
gender identity disorder, is when a person has a different
sexual identity than the body or gender they are born with. In the U.S. patients have the option of gender reassignment surgery, like the now famous Caitlin Jenner.
If you are a genetic female (chromosomes tested) but totally phenotypically male, there are other diseases of the
adrenal glands, called
Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia, that can produce androgens and cause a male appearance, including growth of the clitoris.
If any of these conditions sound familiar to your situation I suggest you Google these terms I mentioned and consider seeing an
endocrinologist who can test your hormone levels and hopefully help you make a diagnosis.
I hope my advice was helpful and best of luck with your situation.
Take care, Dr. Brown