1. Going by your symptoms, you need urgent medical evaluation since it could be a blood clot [DVT- deep vein thrombosis] which has to be immediately excluded as there is [pain, swelling, warm] so seek immediate medical intervention [vascular surgeon opinion] or visit an ER.
PS. Ask for a doppler study [since the clot could break free and travel up to the lungs to cause fatal embolism].
2. Rule out other causes of
knee pain like
tuberculosis, ask for Hb%,
ESR, RA test, X-ray Knee - AP & Lateral, and consult an orthopedic surgeon,
3. If no response to routine treatment, i.e.
If the knee is swollen, warm and tender. If there is wasting of the quadriceps muscle, refer to an orthopedic surgeon [since he will be in a better position to advise.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Munish Sood, Ayurveda Specialist