3 days after have a wisdom remove my tongue bloomed with a thick brownish slime this seemingly went away after a z pac nystatin and salt water rinse about 8 mo later it comes back with a vengance the tooth socket became slightly painfull i thought the next tooth was migrating not the case my tounge was covered with brown slime it scrapes/brushes/h2o3.3% off only to return next morn the socket symtom has gone away the dentist called it a mystery a prescribed antybiotic after a week of that and scraping/brushing/ect it is a clear/white/yellowish slime so we have started nystaten and clortimazole for the last 5 days but the slime coating just returns in the morning anyone know what this could be no swollen glands or sore throat fairly healthy diet not diabetic but do suffer from symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome for last 15 years age 47 6.1 275# gabapetun,, famotidne coenzyme q200 mg qd, betacarotene ,super b complex, bp normal col slightly high yearl blood work normal as of june 2010 ,mom dec liver cancer bro stage 4 lung cancer/chemo sis dbl mastectomy/lymph/chemo