Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the HCM.
Dull aching pain in the back may be due to several reasons, which need to be excluded by further evaluation.
This may be due to
Mechanical back pain. This may be due to faulty posture or injury to paraspinal muscles due to any reason. The former cause seems to be more likely because the pain is on and off.
2. Any liver or pancreatic pathology. This seems to be less likely, taking into consideration that your imaging reports came out to be normal. Furthermore, they more commonly cause pain over both abdomen and back.
Functional bowel disease. If you have irregular bowel habit and / or bloating, the pain may arise from the same. This is more common with constipation predominantly
irritable bowel syndrome.
4. Renal or ureteric pathology , stone or
urinary tract infection may be associated with this. Usually, the pain is associated with dysuria, fever with chills etc. in these cases. However, renal pain may present with this alone. I think your imaging should have ruled out this also.
5. Ovarian pathology e.g SOL,
infected cyst or torsion may produce back pain. Even
genital infection or PID may present with this.
Appendicitis usually don't present with back pain as a sole complaint.
I think except for mechanical back pain and IBS or FBD all others can be ruled out by imaging (usg or CAT scan).
Therefore, you should consult your local physician for further evaluation.
For the time being
1. Maintain good oral hydration
2. Avoid refined carbohydrate, spices and carbonated beverages. Have high fiber diet at frequent interval in small amount.
3. Perform abdominal muscle strengthening exercise.
For any further questions, please write back to me.
Dr. Kaushik