I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns.
The symptoms you have mentioned suggest the possibility of a benign (non cancerous ) condition called " osteoma".
It's a harmless condition caused by some kind of abnormal bone growth.No need to worry regarding this because it cause no problem apart from cosmetic reasons.
Before commencing the treatment we have to rule out other bone condition present with similar symptoms and signs.
I suggest you to consult an orthopaedician and et the following things done:
1.A detailed clinical evaluation may be needed to make a working diagnosis.
2.An X-ray as a preliminary imaging evaluation.
3. Treatment is purely surgical by a simple procedure called surgical excision, excised specimen may be sent for
biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.The procedure take few minutes and nothing to worry by the word surgery atleast in this case!
Surgery is needed only for cosmetic purpose or in case of diagnostic confusion.Other wise it cause no problems and no treatment is required.
Hope this information helps you.
Dr.Shinas Hussain