I got what looked like a bite on my hip. small black tip, sunk in a bit. Then it swelled, redness very large area around bite, very hard underneath. Went to dr, they tried lancing, but nothing came out. All hard. It was itchy at first, mildly. but then quickly became very painful with short bursts of pain. It finally opened up with 2 holes next to each other and drained thick yellow gunk and blood. A couple times, a solid chunk came out and left a cater in my skin. It finally healed up leaving a purple scar with hardness under it. ...I recently got another one under my armpit that is in the draining stage. The skin around the holes looks like it is dying and coming off. Just last 2 days, got what looks like 4 more small red bumps that start out looking like bites, but they have begun to enlarge, radiate heat, hardness underneath, painful. These are on my side up my abdomen and barely on my breast. All 6 of these have been on left side of body.