hi Doctor My Day3 FSH-8.7 LH-8.35 Proclactin 13.7 after seeing the reports the doctor has prescribed for 3 months of dulotoun-l(21 d tablets starting from 3 rd day). After this course 4 th month i was given ova shield, on 15th day when the follicle size was 20 mm i was given hcg shot, i ovulated the next day, but we could not have sex that day, but had the next day, we did not concieve that month. my husband s sperm count is 30 million/ml with 60% viable sperm, 40% Grade A sperms, morphology -90% normal, PH-alkaline, fructose present. Th, doctor advised for IUI to another doctor, where my AMH has come as 0.632. I am just 26 years old and i get periods regularly,all sisters in my family have children conceived naturally. can you please advise if we should cotinue with clomid for 3-4 cycles more and then think of IUI..