Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. As you are approaching 44, this is the age of perimenopause or menopause transition where the ovaries gradually begin to make less estrogen [which maintains joint and bone health] and with declining, estrogen level, female begin to experience hot flushes,
night sweats along with swollen and painful joints, the so-called 'menopausal arthritis'.
PS. Also, estrogen is essential for regulating fluid levels in the body, and with falling level of the hormone, the body is unable to retain water efficiently leading to 'dehydration' which results in a build-up of uric acid which can cause inflammation in joints.
2. When you are in perimenopausal period your hormone level [again decline in estrogen] may become irregular and you make experience pink or
brown spotting and even light bleeding before your periods.
PS. If you have entered menopause, and experience vaginal bleeding it is important to seek immediate OBG/GYN consultation to exclude any serious condition which requires medical attention.
3. keep in mind that if pain becomes chronic and debilitating, it can lead to isolation and
depression in the patient, and limited activity/mobility can lead to weight gain, obesity, heart diseases all of which can become health concerns, so make sure
- stay fit and active to keep joints flexible and strong
- maintain ideal body weight: to decrease pressure on weight joints and reduce
joint pains.
- Avoid undue stress: as a result, inflammatory agent 'cortisol' will be produced less.
- Avoid carbohydrates and sugar intake.
- Vitamin D, calcium and
magnesium should be included. [since risk of bone loss and
osteoporosis is high]
PS. pain is a symptom rather than the cause itself during menopause, so instead of conventional or OTC [over the counter medicine], you and your doctor may consider the use of HRT [
hormone replacement therapy].