when i was 23 years old , in my college one day i got dizziness , My whole body become cold , I cannot swallow anything , Heart palpation . I thought i am going to have a heart attack. So i rushed to the hospital , Doctor checked my ECG and said every thing is normal . After that my life become more terrible and full of fear , I started getting chest heaviness for 1st month and the i go to hospital all test have been done ECG , Blood , and doctor told i have triglycerides level 200 . So i planned my self for running and other exercise . I was smoking for 4 years and drinking too . from that moment till now i didnt touch those thing in my life . After some day every time i will get chest pain at meddle radiating to left arm left shoulder left pinky finger left middle finger and left neck too . Left leg also all become weak and pain . I started searching in the internet that i found i may have Angina. Then again i went to that doctor and told these thing , he suggest me to a cardiologist . They took Echo , Treadmill test . They told all are fine that i am normal . Even though i am having the same pain every day . Some time i dont get pain , some times i am getting pain . When i run for 2 KM my pain will vanish . Then again it will start. Burping a lot , digestive problem also i have . I am afraid that i will die soon . Then again i went to another cardiologist and took all the test including blood test and i compelled him to take me a CI Angiogram test also . They told it is not nessesary but i compelled him a lot . Finally he gave me table NAme Manking - Placida) it help me a little time . But now that tablet is stopped all over the places . Now he suggest me Solopose plus - Etizolam tablets . It is not helping me. From there till now i am suffering with the same pain . even now also. I am having left arm pain when i raised my hand above my head that is also radiating to pinky finger and middle finger neck pain and chest itching pain . it is not pain its s fifferent pain i cannot tell . Till now i am not happy . Always worrying about my heart . Please tell me there is any possible to have angina for me. Please