Thanks for the query..
Red bumps on the inside of inner lips can be due to
canker sore eruption or it can also be due to continuous irritation to the mucosa caused by chemicals and heat present in cigarette smoke.
Secondly skin tag on the left cheek can be due to overgrowth of the mucosa and soft tissues leading to Fibroma formation.
It can also be due to Benign Epithelial
White spots on the cheek can be due to either excessive keratin formation or
hyperkeratosis caused due to persisting irritation with smoke and if you also have associated mal-habits like
cheek biting or any sharp cusp of tooth..
Do not worry as everything is not cancerous but as you are a smoker you need to first of all stop smoking.
Secondly you should also consult an Oral Physician and get a proper clinical examination done to rule out the cause of all the symptoms.
After confirmation only appropriate treatment can be advised.
As of now you can do salt water rinses, limit smoking as much as possible and avoid hard, spicy and hot foods to prevent further irritation inside mouth.
Hope this helps.