Hello there,
Thanks for your post on HealthcareMagic.
I carefully read your query and understand your point of concern.
Don't worry most of the time this type of condition doesn't mean the serious thing.
I think you are experiencing easy bruising.
The possibilities for easy bruising are-
Bleeding disorder,
platelet disorder,
Elder person (Because in elderly the skin become thin and there is less support for subcutaneous blood vessel thats why
bruise occur easily following minor trauma)
Usually easy bruising is a sign of platelet disorder or bleeding disorder.
In such condition bruise or petechiea is easily occur following minor trauma. Sometimes othe problem like nose or gum bleeding,
menorrhagia and bleeding from other site may occur.
My advice is visit a doctor for some
blood test to confirm the diagnosis and treatment accordingly.
I think it will help you,
Wish your good health.
Dr. Atiqul