Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
The lesions what you are describing near your belly button appears to be superficial
skin infection.
Right now, do not worry about it and kindly do the following to overcome it.
1. Clean the area with antiseptic solution like Povidine-
iodine thrice daily.
2. After drying, apply
Neomycin cream topically over the lesion.
3. Take anti-inflammatory
analgesic Tablet.
Ibuprofen after food.
4. For itching, take Tablet.Levocetrizine.
5. Wear loose fitting clothes and avoid friction in the area.
Gradually, the lesions should reduce and subside completely.
Kindly get your HIV status tested after a week. In case it is negative, there is no need to worry about such things.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.