I need help! What i thought was just a tear in my anus has created much more of a severity. The past few days I have noticed large amount of pain from my anus, along with extreme discomfort when having a bowel movement. Now i will inform you that I typically have problems with very light spotting of blood on toilet paper when i wipe. I have had this problem for a while but never more than what i thought was just a little tear or something. Now my anus has 1 large swollen side that is getting larger, and two more littler ones on the top and the opposite side. Also closer to my perineum area i have what seem to be some more forming. Now i have looked at pictures for Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissures, and herpes. Mine look like NONE of these. They are coming from the inside edge of my anus and swelling outword. They do have some sort of sore like head on each that are closest to the opening of my anus, going in. The sore like area is very small. It is hard to explain them. They are not purple or any other discoloration like hemorrhoids get, they are a light pink/pinkish color, slightly red, but i would assume from the irritation to the normal skin. I also have on MY right side, my lymph node under the skin is very very tender and swollen. To the touch it is very tender. It is not swollen visibly to the skin but you can feel it underneath. I am very concerned and have never had this happen before and am looking for answers, and what to do next.