Hello Doc. I am 33 year old. I had swollen painful right testicle and further diagnosis (Ultrasound) revealed it was epididymitis. Doctor prescribed antibiotics course for a week and i felt relief from pain, however little swelling was still there. Due to some reasons, I had to visit another doctor and he diagnosed the same i.e. epididymitis (ultrasound) and prescribed some viatamins (one cap/day) and coevitenz tablets (2 tabs/day) (Trypsin, Bromelain & e Rutoside with Harpagosides) for 10 days. At that time, I could feel pain only on applying some pressure but the swelling was still the same. The doctor advised me to continue the same medications, Coevitenz was replaced with ecozymac (Same salt), with an addition of antibiotics (Ofloxacin, one tab/day) for 15 more days. I was told that the swelling would persist for long time or it might be forever. In addition, in December 2016, I had my routine check up and my blood PSA level was 4.9 and I just got this year s routine check up report and PSA is still high i.e. 5.2. However, other urine related parameters are in normal range with no sign of infection. Previously I forgot to tell about PSA level to Doctors and I am wondering if the elevated PSA is correlated with epididymitis. I still have swelling but no pain. I also feel early ejaculation or felling of urination while intercourse. Is long term swelling a common phenomenon in epididymitis? What other possible diagnostics/medications should I go for? DO I need to worry about this situation? Please suggest me how to get rid of it. Thank you