hi sir/madam,
Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.
possible indiacations are Dental Issues,Mucocele,
Oral Cancer,Maxillary Sinus Growths, Lump After A
Root Canal Or Due To Braces,Adenocarcinoma And Swollen Salivary Glands etc.
Treatment procedures you should opt are:-
Chemotherapy And Surgery ,Excision To Remove Mouth Bumps,Antibiotics And Antiviral Medications.
Other General Treatments:-
Laser treatment
mouth rinsing 3-4 times a day with warm saline water
Tropical medication
Vitamin B complex supplements
Reducing spicy foods from the daily diet.
Taking vitamin supplements that will cover the
vitamin deficiency.
Consult your doctor for further treatment.
hope this was helpful.
have a healthy day.