Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
The following conclusions can be drawn based on the
HSG report findings you have furnished.
1. There is an anatomical abnormality detected in the
uterus related to the shape called as 'unicornuate uterus', which has shifted the organ to the left of mid-line with a single
Fallopian tube.
2. There is no filling defect seen, which means that the contours inside the cavity is normal.
3. Left free peritoneal spill is seen and hence the tube is patent.
4. Left Fallopian tube is also normal in calibre and outline indicating there are no blocks or
adhesion associated with it.
Hence, other features appears to be fine except for absence of Fallopian tube on the right side and presence of single Fallopian tube on the left side.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.