Hi, Good Morning Last 5 years, I am taking medicine thyronorm. Initially the dose was 75 mg but last one year , I am taking 50 mg. recently I checked and found My Units Biological refer Interval/Clinical Decision Value T3 - 77.8 ng/dl 81.0--178.0 T4 - 4.5 ug/dl and 4.5--12.5 TSH- 5.22 uIU/mL .40--4.00 My Hemoglobin 8 Plasma Glucose ( fasting ) 145 Plasma Glucose ( 2hrs PP) 190 My age is 39 ( Female) Weight 70 Kg Recently, my menstrual cycle is delayed by 10 days and facing fungal problem on face, approached skin doctor and who prescribed medicne. Expecting Suggestion from You all, Kindly help me out. Thanking You XXXXXXX