Hi, I received my fecalysis and urinary results but my doctor told me its normal and nothing to worried about. Can you please help me to interpret. I am suffering from diarrhea and abdominal pain, at the same time i have fever and first day of my menstruation. Fecalysis: color: light brown, consistency: watery, WBC: 1-2, RBC: 0-2, fat globules: none seen, yeast cell: few, parasite or ova: no parasite seen. Urinalysis: color: yellow, transparency: turbid, pH: 6.0, sp.gr.: 1.015, albumin:negative, sugar:negative, wbc:1-2, rbc: over 50, ephithelial cell: few, mucus threads: few, bacteria: moderate, amorphous urates/phosphates: few Thank you in advance.