Hi & Welcome.
I can understand your concern for the liver function tests (LFTs).
Incomplete data like age, gender, body weight, any history of alcohol intake or
cigarette smoking or any other symptoms like
abdominal pain, dyspepsia, vomiting.
The liver enzymes (AST, ALT, &
Alkaline phosphatase) are elevated and which is suggestive of some liver problem (injury) due to suspected diseases of the liver &
gall bladder.
I would advise you to get an abdominal ultrasound scan to rule out liver problem especially fatty liver.
Beside you also need to have certain life style modifications so that the
elevated liver enzymes will return back to their normal level:
1. Avoid smoking, alcohol intake, fatty veg and non veg meals
2. Eat home cooked foods with vegetables, a lot of fruits, drink plenty of water
3. Do regular exercise, reduce the weight if you are overweight &
4. Repeat LFTs after 4-6 weeks.
Hope the suggestions given above could be useful.
A feed back is appreciated.