Hi, I am 31 week pregnant, I had itiching problem in my 7th month of pregnancy.As per my doctor recommendation, My LFT test ,which does not seems to be good ,in fiirts test which was performed on 8th Feb ,SGPT=113,SGOT=303,GGT=224,and alkaline phosphate=244.Based on this report my doctor prescribed me udiliv 300mg twice a day.after 1 week ,again LFT was done ,where report seems to be worsen though itching is now left with 20% only but LFT parameter has increased further I,e SGPT=419,SGOT=202,GGT=135,Alkaline Phosphate=135,.please note that GCT test was also performed along with LFT on 8th Feb which shows my sugar level in fasting was 149 and sugar level after pp was 265. After one week of strict diet sugar level is in control now .Through out pregnancy,I has saviour acidity problem along air bloat ing in stomach.some time abdomain pain too.Hepatitis B test was negative on first 1st month of pregnency.Looking for suggestion and guide.