Hello, I bought Prostagenix and read your article on not getting a biopsy and doing a sonogram. My Urologist has me confused as my psa levels at 54 years old was 6.0. After another blood test went down to 5.3. A third test showed it went to 6.1. After today s sonogram he says I have a small prostate and how can psa levels be at my number with a small one so he stated I have a 50 50 chance of having Prostate cancer. Please tell me if I am wrong, but isn t prostate cancer an enlarged prostate not a small one? I also ask this doctor questions and he gets a bit impatient as I am trying to find out all of the details. For example, he states there are no symptoms at all for prostate cancer. I told him I read where an increase of urination is a sign but I don t have that. I also asked him, how long can I wait to do the biopsy, if I have prostate cancer he says he can t answer that and it could spread. I am getting a second opinion from another doctor, and I know you are not a medical professional but what is your opinion on all of this and if you could let me know the answers to my questions. Thank you so much, and I look forward to your reply.