I am suffered from MP(mesentric penniculitis) and had a terrible pain on my abdomen. After the Colonoscopy it is written in the procedure : colonoscopy done to the terminal ileum. Colonic mucosa is normal throughout from the rectum to the terminal ileum,including that over the ileo-cecal valve.No growth,ulcer,polyp or vscular lesion noted. No internal hemorrhoids present. In CT report, it is written in IMPRESSION : - There is presence of well-circumscribed,inhomogeneous fatty mass displaying higher attenuation than normal retroperitoneal fat seen in supraumbilical mesetery. The mesenteric vessels are traversing through the mass. Imaging features c/w Mesenteric panniculitis. - Few simple right renal cyst as mention above. I have done ENA and ANA/ANF,IFA test too. Does this report show my health is good ? Or I need to go for further treatment ? Please advice me asap.