hi Dr, i am 46 yrs old woman SOCIAL WORKER, my blood report shows FLURIDE BLOOD SUGAR(F) 155.0 BLOOD SUGAR (PP) 198.0 SERUM SGOT(IFCC) 38.0 SERUM SGPT(IFCC) 54.0 SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (AMP) 144.0 SERUM VDRL (RPR) (AGGLUTINATION) Non - Reactive Urine Routine ALBUMIN TRACE SUGAR(F) Nil SUGAR (PP) Trace deposits PUS CELLS 4-6 / hpf EPITHELIAL CELLS 8-10 / hpf RBC S NIL/ hpf,cast Epithelial Cast,Present CRYSTAL NIL ,OTHERS.Amorphous Present & Bacteria Present.This is the report of mine, kindly suggest what can i do now?