Hello dear
Understand your concern
First compare your urine report with normal urine report.
Normal urine analysis:
Normal urine analysis is below:
Color: Yellow ________________________normal
transparency: Clear_____________________hazy
pH: 4.5-8_____________________________Normal
Specific gravity – 1.005-1.025_____________high borederline
Glucose - ≤130 mg/d______________________negative
Protein:≤150 mg/d_________________________sligh increase
RBCs:≤2 RBCs/hpf_____________________________high
Squamous epithelial cells: ≤15-20 squamous epithelial cells/hpf____few
So I think you have
urinary tract infections (
kidney infection) or stone in urinary tract that lead to blood and pus cell in the urine.
I advice you consult the
urologist and go for urine culture report, USG for diagnosis of stone.
Doctor may give following advice:
Tablet septran with nitrozolium, urine alkali like potasium citrate, tablet
pyridium, drink lots of water, juice of cranberry, orange and pineapple. Always empty the bladder completely and do not delay in voiding the urine.
After culture report you can take antibiotic according to result.
Also repeat the culture after 14 days or after finishing the dose of antibiotics.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar