The normal eosinophil counts is 2-5 % , while in your case it is 18 % , very very elevated and call as eiosiniphilia , reason may be:
Tropical eosinophilia , reason of this may be filarial infection Diagnosis can be confirmed by peripheral blood film.
2 Allergy , as this is most common cause , as you mentioned that
wheezing present with cough, so high eosinophils count may be due to some allergens .
3 Asthma , cough m wheezing ,throat ( due to infection) pain may be due to asthma .
Due to some allergen there develop
bronchoconstriction , hence wheezing and cough .
This type of allergy also elevated level of eosinophils .
When such patient visit I prescribe montelukast+
fexofenadine tablet one or two in day .
I also advise my patient "
DIETHYLCARBAMAZINE " 100 mg twice or thrice in day till complete relief.
Hope this will help you.