Thanks for posting your question on HCM!
Some data is lacking like age, any abdominal problem or alcohol intake (if any)
liver enzymes and their normal ranges:
AST: Normal Adult Range: 5 - 40 IU/L
ALT: Normal Adult Range: 7 - 56 IU/L
GGT: Normal Adult Range: 0 - 42 IU/L
The laboratory results given are highly suggestive of inflammation of the liver resulting from toxic effects most probably due to Chronic alcohol intake or drug induced (like Statins for high blood
cholesterol or
Paracetamol taken in large doses).
ultrasound to check the extent of inflammation or its complication.
Kindly consult a doctor or gastroenterologist for proper assessment and treatment.
Meanwhile, you must stop taking alcohol ( if you are an alcoholic), eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid fast foods and fatty veg or non veg meals.\
I hope my suggestions will help you in getting help in proper care.
Take care of your health.