Hi thanks for contacting health care magic....
Here liver enzymes value are high.
These enzymes present in hepatocytes and in bile canaliculi....So affection of them can lead release of enzymes in blood and so value high....
So cause has to be searched for....
USG abdomen can be done....
It will help in find out
fatty liver , gall stone or cholestatsis like condition.
If history of eaten outside food then
hepatitis A rule out by viral marker study for that by ELISA ....
If history of unsafe sex or
blood transfusion or operation
hepatitis b and c ruled out by ELISA.....
If positive cardiac history or muscular problem then also enzymes can elevated.
If cause undiagnosed then
liver biopsy can done to rule out cause.
With keeping this in mind consult gastroentetologist.
Take care....