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Your usg report states that your
uterus is normal in size but ahs a small subcentimetric lesion in posterior wall of uterus. The lesion is likely to be a
fibroid. Such a small fibroid does not cause any problem and can be ignored.
Your left ovary is bigger in size. Normally, it should be less than 10 cc in volume. But as your right ovary is removed upto 15 cc could be normal. In your case, it is bigger as it is 20 cc. There is a
simple cyst in the ovary which might be the cause of its enlargement. As the cyst is less than 2 cms in maximum diameter, it falls within the normal range of a
follicular cyst. A cyst more than 2.5 cms is abnormal.
Overall, in your usg report, the only significant finding is enlargement of left ovary. Your periods have been delayed which can be a reason due to some
hormonal problems. Please get your LH/FSH checked.
Polycystic ovaries can cause delay of periods and enlargement of ovary but it will show multiple small cysts in the ovary. That is not mentioned in your report. Even polycystic ovaries occur due to hormonal changes. So the best advice is to check your LH/FSH levels.
Hope it sorts your problem and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Dr. Pankaj Nagori
Specialist Radiology