Hello, Im a 43 yr old female, 155 lbs, ht 5 6 . My concern is possible hyperparathyroidism. I have had some blood work that showed 3 different calcium levels. They were 9.3, 10.1 with a PTH of 29 then a 9.6 with a PTH of 46. I realize that they are within the range, however a 10.1 is at the high normal range.8.6-10.1. My research indicated that if the parathyroid is functioning properly, my calcium should always be in check. It should fluctuate only 2 tenths of a point. It shows my numbers all over the place. I have ALL the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism and feel like crap all the time. My vitamin d is also on the low side of a 33 and the range is 30-100. I live in Florida and spend a lot of time outdoors so that was a bit weird to me. My muscles feel fatigued and strange and my joints hurt. My hair is falling out in clumps etc. My ENDO started me on a small dose of levothyroxine but I still dont feel well. My thyroid test showed pretty good TSH .61, T4 1.5 and 3rd generation .71. I feel he is not treating me according to my symptoms and like I mentioned earlier, I know my numbers are within range, but if to high or too low within the ranges may be enough to make me feel ill. I need help!!!!! Thank you