What does it mean for a gram stain to read few white blood cells but no microorganisms seen The fluid was from an aspiration/evacuation of a breast mass/cyst. The report says that further analysis is still pending. So now I have to wait several more days :( In case more info it helps: This approx 2cm cyst/mass formed near (within a couple of cm) from and five weeks after a surgical excision biopsy (the biopsy was benign, mainly infarcted tissue that had been suspected of being infected several weeks prior to the biopsy -- no culture was taken from that mass I was simply given antibiotics and then waited to see if the mass went down, it did not so they biopsied it and decided to remove it to be sure). This current mass, that the sample for the gram stain is from, is just under the nipple/areola. This could be another cyst, as I am prone to get them, although the radiologist thinks it would have shown up on the imaging that was done just prior to the surgery, so she thinks this may be related to the surgery. 5cc of fluid was evacuated that was turbid pussy and bloody. There is a greater than 5mm thick and very vascular cyst wall (that still remains, and some refilling seems to be happening) I am 49yo female, not breastfeeding (never have). History of macrocysts and other fibrocystic breast problems. No history of cancer.